Layla is a 5-month-old German Shepherd mix puppy. When she first came to us, she was perilously underweight (clocking in at only 15 lbs) and very dehydrated. After X-Raying her, our veterinary staff determined she had a severe obstruction and needed emergency surgery. During that surgery, they cleared large pieces of fabric and plastic from her stomach. She was starving and had eaten whatever she could find. She was fighting for her life.
That night, Layla went home with one of our experienced staff members so she could be constantly monitored and given IV fluids. But her condition declined rapidly and the decision was made to take her to an emergency veterinary clinic we partner with to get her the help she needed. It was there that the emergency vets discovered she needed yet another surgery, this time to correct her intestines which had folded in on themselves.
Little Layla survived not one but TWO invasive surgeries and just three days later she was up-and-at-’em, enjoying the sunshine in her foster mom’s yard and playing with her toys. There is still a long road of healing ahead for Layla, but she is a fighter and we know she’ll make it through!