To Dye or Not to Dye?

With Halloween right around the corner, many pet owners might be questioning if they should turn their Maltese into a rainbow unicorn. Wouldn’t that be cute? Before you actually decide to turn your dog into the mythical creature, take a few things into account on the do’s and don’ts of pet fur dyeing.

Pet fur dye can come with strong opinions. There are those who hate it, those who love it and some that think it’s pointless. Here is some food for thought on whether to choose to dye your furry friend.

Is coloring your pet’s fur safe? Yes, as long as you use pet-safe products! The key word here is pet-safe!

  • NEVER use human hair dye! Human hair dye is full of toxic chemicals and can cause allergic reactions, chemical burns and skin diseases to pets.
  • If you are going to dye your pet, research different types of dye. “Pet-safe” quality is key.
  • Keep the dye a safe distance away from your pet’s eyes, mouth, and private parts. This helps them from ingesting the dye or having it cause irritation.
  • Save the dyeing for the professionals. If you don’t know what you’re doing, hire someone with proper experience. This eliminates the chances of accidental harm to your pet.
  • Fur dye is not recommended for use on animals 12 weeks or younger.

There are different types of dyes, here are a few safe coloring options:

  • Food Coloring: Many sources agree that food coloring is the safest method to dye your pet’s fur. Food coloring is sourced from natural ingredients, such as fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs and comes in a variety of colors. Food coloring can be mixed with water and applied via spray bottle to your pet’s fur.
  • Hair Spray/ Blow Pens: These pet friendly items blow hair dye into the fur.

One important thing is listen to your pet. If they’re agitated and dislike the dye refrain from coloring their fur.

Professionals recommend using dyes on a sporadic basis. And recommend using dye in areas your pet can’t lick or where the hair is long enough the dye won’t touch their skin, such as the tail and ears. If you decide to dye your pet for a special occasion, remember these tips. And if you are unsure, consult your veterinarian.

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